Pluu is opening a webshop in bdsm toys & fetish clothing in January. The shop will be called “niet lief”, which translates as “not sweet” or “not nice”. For now, the shop will be Dutch, but an international version will likely be released a few months later.
Anyway, did you notice the girl in the banner? That’s Laura, a friend we met at our rope bondage camping weekend last summer, and who wanted to do a photoshoot for Well, ok, but we wanted to do a shoot fot the banner as well. The picture in the banner is one by pluu, by I shot a couple of nice ones as well. The picture of Laura below will take you to a gallery with a few more pictures from that shoot. The banner will take you to pluu´s future webshop.
And, in a few weeks we´ll put the bondage shoot with Laura online at!
To the gallery
To Pluu’s webshop